Friday, June 24, 2011

The will of Krishna - By Kuldip Rai

Hare Krishna, Hare Rama.
The will of God is the Supreme Force. All human authority is merely subservient to that. It translates into the immutable Law of Karma. The fruit of action is always mixed – good and bad. Both must accrue to the doer. One abandons the fruit of action by realizing that all action is wrought in nature by senses acting on sense objects. The self is merely an onlooker.
Glory be to Madhava.
Kuldip Rai

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

love for KRISHNA

In Hinduism, the love of Krishna for Radha is to be understood purely in the spiritual sense. Krishna represents the Supreme Soul whereas Radha represents the individual soul. Both yearn for each other and find their fulfillment in each other. The only difference is that whereas the Supreme Soul is independent and can exist without the individual souls, the same is not true of the individual soul. It depends on Krishna for its existence and sustenance. The analogy is that of a bird on a ship, which is sailing on high seas. There is no land around. The bird can go nowhere. It has no option except to come back to the ship.
Kuldip Rai

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Supply Chain Management

Supply chain management is facilitated by information technology, especially software applications and networking.
Kuldip Rai

Operations Management

Operations management is the nerve center of an organization. It is where the action is!
Kuldip Rai

root out corruption

Corruption needs to be rooted out of India.
Kuldip Rai

Which devotee is dearest to Krishna?

There are three kinds of devotees who worship Krishna. One, those who pray for deliverance from pain and suffering; two, those who ask for material possessions and enjoyments; three, those who pray to him only for His love and compassion. The last mentioned are the most superior. They are dearest to Krishna.
Kuldip Rai

Friday, April 1, 2011

Hare Krishna.

Hey Krishna, Hey Mukunda, Hey Murari,
Hey Govinda, Hey Gopala, Hey Giridhari,
Hey Madhava, Hey Yadava, Hey Madhusudana,
Traahi Mom, Traahi Mom,
Kuldip Rai