Wednesday, October 15, 2014

skewed morals

The ISIS says that it is in accordance with Muslim Law Shariah to capture women in war and then to enslave, sell or keep them as concubines. The question is not whether it is right or wrong. They are merely playing upon skewed morality of present times and in modern societies.
In our times, homosexuality is considered fashionable. Even the Vatican is considering welcoming gays and lesbians but a heterosexual relationship is frowned upon in all circumstances except within the confines of marriage. If a woman exposes, she is bold and beautiful, whereas a man who exposes, even unintentionally, is a “dirty uncle”. Same sex marriages are considered in tune with times but youngsters think for years before committing in a heterosexual relationship. They delay child bearing for as long as possible. The balance of power is tilted dangerously in favor of the wife in marriage. Men are henpecked. Prostitutes and pimps are harassed no end. 
Naturally most males are sex starved. The offer of ISIS is an incentive to young men to join them. With this promise of women slaves becoming available, even a non Muslim young man would be motivated to join the jihadists.

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